Story of pubg

Story of Pubg

Story of pubg
Story of pubg

Players Unknown’s battle Battleground (PUBG) is a multiplayer online game developed by the PUBG Corporation. In this game up to 100 players are landed on an island with weapons the mission is to kill others while avoiding killing themselves…..!

People have always wanted a battle Royale video game. But it never happened. First came the orginal; team Deathmatch island battle Royale. The Japanese book and movie told the story of 42 students dropped on a deserted island and forced to kill each other until only one was left. It got people asking what they would do if they were in the situation. But the movie was not released in the west for years. Then years later, hunger game came around, and it re-ignited the fire. People wanted battle Royale games. But no ones were making them, but one person wanted it more than anybody else Brenden Greene.
Story of pubg
 Brenden green was not a game designer. He was an Irish photographer and web designer who followed the love of his life to brazil. Two years later, hr was divorced and looking to get his life back on track. He made it back home to Ireland and while living on welfare, Brenden Greene discovered the game ARMA and Dayz. For those who don’t know ARMA is a hyper-realistic military shooter know for the scale of its combat, its attention to details, and graphic fidelity also know for being the foundation for an incredible number of mods. DaZ is one of the best- know ARMA mods. Which use the hyper-realistic combat mechanics to stimulate zombie apocalypses.

The battle Royale mod for ARMA 2 was departure from the tightly directed experience offered by triple a game like assassin’s creed. Brenden Green was not interested in those types of games. He want something losser, something grittier. Something that gave the freedom to show what you would do in a battle to death. As  Dayz broke free of ARMA and because a standalone game. Other developer took notice of how popular green’s mods were in the niche ARMA community.  Sony online entertainment now knows as Day Break hired Greene as a consultant on their own Dayz style Zombie survival game.
That mode eventually become H1ZI King of Kill. But by febuary 2016, green has moved on. He was headed to Korea where   got an interesting offer. Chang Han Kim, a Korean game designer working for bule hole wanted to make Battle Royale Game.  He was inspirited by Dayz but when he researched the battle Royale game more and more.  He kept coming cross green. And less than one month later, he was blue holes creative director development moved fast. Green and kim’s team has the autonomy to create the game that they wanted and they wanted it be payable within one year. Thee game started its development it early 2016 And the plan was to follow an early accesses schedule. Green and Kim wanted to get the game in customer hands fast for low cost and keep improving its over time. But the foundation needed to be laid down before anything else.  The team made a small gam, one map, one mode; a handful of weapons was added after the launch. But from the day it was released on early access in march 2017 today. Battlegrounds has been the same game. However, when it forst come out there wasn’t quite anything like it sure green’s modes were still out there but mods are never quit as popular as standalone games  battle grounds was a breath of fresh air amidst the high budget lavishy produced shooter on the market. It was messey. It was tense. And it complicated. But most importantly it was fun. The island is the most important part too. While Green has said that his  team is working on more maps. A wrangle will always be the most iconic thing about Battlegrounds. It’s the game main character with familiar landmarks, wide open spaces and bizarre unique topography. It’s not realistic. Swaps, farmland, mountains, and to make a backdrop that has much of a hand in the action as the players do. And the players come to battleground fast. For only 20 dollar, they got to live the fantasy of surviving the apocalypse. The game player based grew every week. Ten million rounds of battleground were played in the game’s first four months. And it made eleven million dollar in three days. By April it had sold a million copies. One month later. It was at two million, the next month it hit four million. In august, battlegrounds become the most played game on steam in terms of concurrent players. By September, it  has beaten dota 2’s record of 1.29 million concurrent players. By October it had hit 2 million players on steam. And become the most popular game in South Korean PC bangs. Beating long-time king, leagues of legends. When the game cracked 2 million copies sold, blue hole held charity invitational tournaments. Three months later ESL held the first major battle grounds tournament cementing a possible sports future for the game. Green told games industry. Biz that he always envisioned his mods to be a spectator sport someday and his baby was finally taking its first steps. People still ask if battlegrounds can be an esports it has the audience and the player base. the only problem  is the logistics. Gathering 100 people for a LAN tournament is not the easiest things in the world. Which might limit it to events like ESL ones and dreamhacks. But Esports is the only place battlegrounds in growing. The game is selling more and more copies by the day and even bigger companies are taking notice. Tencent made a deal to publish the game in china. Facebook cut a streaming deal with blue hole. Epic games who assisted in modifying the unreal engines for battlegrounds. Made a battlegrounds inspired play mode for thir game fornite. Microsoft touted a timed console exclusive version of battle ground for Xbox one at ES2017.
Battlegrounds future is bright. There’s no sign that the game will stop growing anytime soon and with imitator starting to crop up. That just gives battlegrounds more chance to innovate and be better than the completion. Battleground is the beginning of new video game and no one saw it coming…
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