Earn money from Youtube adsense and Affiliate Marketing

Earn money from Youtube adsense and Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever thought you could make money by referring people to Amazon or Flipkart?
If you take a look at all The E-Commerce site in like Flipkart or Amazon or Snapdeal. You will find a link or become an affiliate or make money with us at the end of the page
There are hundreds of online merchants like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Clickbank, CJ etc. where you can signup and promote their products.

Affiliate Marketing

 In affiliate marketing, you are simply helping customers to buy the right product by creating a simple website or youtube channel ; in return you can earn 4% to 20% commission.

The concept of affiliate marketing is very simple.
Let’s say you become a affiliate for Amazon and you bring a person to their site. Now if that person make a purchase you will get a commission this is how affiliate marketing works when you sign up affiliate for Amazon you will get an affiliate link you need to promote this link so that you get paid when people buy from it there are many ways to share this link what the best way is creating a website. When people  visit your site and click on your affiliate link this will take him to Amazon once he buys the products you will get the commission even if that person buy some other product you will still get the commission 24 hours.

You can promote your affiliate link by creating an YouTube channel. Creating videos about  product review , unboxing or any other video the options are endless. Placing affiliate links in the actual videos (via annotations) or in video descriptions. so the  people  people  visit your site and click on your affiliate link this will take him to E-Commerce site  once he buys the products you will get the commission even if that person buy some other product you will still get the commission 24 hours.
You can also earn money by monetize your YouTube channel. 

Earn money from YouTube Channel

YouTube is one of the hot trends in make money online.
YouTube is a truly exceptional platform it allows creators from all over the world to not only share their ideas and work with the public.
Major YouTube channels make a profit  from their videos and work and it's a decent amount of money so if you'are seriously thinking about making YouTube your main source of income where should you start what are the steps to success
start your own channel. your channel can be about almost anything you can make short and
meaningful cartoons sing or share your lifestyle the options are endless. YouTube account is basically the same as your Google account and you can either use it as it is or create a new one it's better to choose your username carefully because the more complicated it is the less chance there is that you'll make it big it should be something easy and memorable so that people won't be saying I saw a cool video on that channel..

find your own topics and discover your unique style try not to make your videos
too long and always make sure that your audience won't get boring you want them
to keep being intrigued by every second of it .
post videos regularly if you only post videos once or twice a month your audience can quickly forget about your channe. try to keep upload at least one video a week this way people will be waiting impatiently for the next week to find out what your new video will be and don't forget about tags and keywords make sure everyone who's interested in the topic can find your videos and this
If you want to make money on YouTube, your video content must provide value for your viewers.YouTube typically won’t recognize your channel until it has around 20 videos. lot of people fail because they don’t want to put in that upfront investment. They want an immediate return, and as soon as they realize the level of commitment required to make money on YouTube, they give up.
If you have 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the past year. You can enable monetization in your YouTube account.
 Before enabling monetization in your YouTube account. You Need to create a 

Create Google Adsence Account  

  create a Google AdSense account to opt into Google’s advertising network. All YouTube creators, bloggers, websites  can apply for AdSense.You can start to run ads on your videos — and Google will pay you every time people watch those advertisements.Ad revenue can be an easy way to start earning money.
You can  monetize your content and make money from your videos
if you're younger than 18 years old ask your mom and dad to help you Adsense
will need a  valid address to know who you are and who to send the money.
After that you can apply for YouTube monetization.

Enable monetization on YouTube:

Sign in to your YouTube account.
Select your account icon in the top right corner.
Click Creator Studio.
In the left menu, select Channel > Status and features
Click Enable in the Monetization section.
Follow the on-screen steps to accept YouTube’s Terms.
The Google Adsence authority review YouTube Channel. If your YouTube channel Satisfy there Terms and condition. Generally takes about 48 hours and can extent to as long as one week.
Once account is approved then the ads will be live in your YouTube channel.
Earn money both from Affiliate Marketing and Google Adsence Acoount…..